BlackSeaRama News
BlackSeaRama Season 2016 starts on March,3 rd
BlackSeaRama Chef Kirin cooked for a charity event
BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas Winter Closure
2016 Golf Membership is now available
Course News & Operating hours in November

After three month winter pause we are pleased to announce the BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas reopening on March, 3 rd. The course operates daily if weather permits and from the 3rd until the 19th of March for the keenest golfers there is a special green fee rate of 59 € .

BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas is proud to announce that our Chef Ivan Kirin took part in the 5th ''Saints Constantine and Helena'' Foundation Charity Dinner, yesterday January, 28th in Rapongi restaurant Varna. Five of the most well-known Bulgarian Chefs joined the charity event, supporting disadvantaged children, and offered to the guests signature 5-course dishes inspired by their noble hearts.

BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas is now closed and will reopen to the public at the end of February 2016 if weather permiting.
BlackSeaRama team kindly thanks to all of You for the amazing season and great support.
BlackSeaRama team kindly thanks to all of You for the amazing season and great support.

Annual Golf Membership program is now available until the 1st of April 2016.
Do not miss out the Special discount of 10% for early payment by the 1st of February 2016.
BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas thanks all its members joined the club for the year 2015! All of them get additional 5% discount on the 2016 membership fee.
Do not miss out the Special discount of 10% for early payment by the 1st of February 2016.
BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas thanks all its members joined the club for the year 2015! All of them get additional 5% discount on the 2016 membership fee.

From the 01st of November until the 15th of November 2015 BlackSeaRama Golf Course and Clubhouse operate daily from 09:00 to 17:00 o’clock.
From the 15th of November 2015 until winter closure (depends on weather conditions) the Golf Course and Clubhouse will operate on a reduce winter schedule Thursday – Sunday from 09:00 to 17:00 o’clock.
From the 15th of November 2015 until winter closure (depends on weather conditions) the Golf Course and Clubhouse will operate on a reduce winter schedule Thursday – Sunday from 09:00 to 17:00 o’clock.